How To Beat The Dmv Eye Exam

  1. An eye exam is a regular check-up performed by a licensed physician to assess your vision and the health of your eyes. A regular eye exam will include several tests to check on your eyes, while the doctor may provide additional exams to.
  2. Want your approximate nearsighted prescription? Want to see if you can pass the DMV eye test? You've come to the right place. Take the simple, free test he.
  1. How To Beat The Dmv Eye Exams
  2. Dmv Eye Test Online
  3. Free Dmv Eye Test

In preparation for test, on the night before be sure to get in a good, solid cram session. Turn in early, to ensure that you are well-rested and ready to take on the next day. Be courteous to the person administering the test. Meet them with a proper greeting, a smile and a handshake. Be confident in yourself, but not overly so. At least once in your life, you must have squinted at the eye chart at the doctor’s office or DMV, trying to make out the blurry bottom line. The test seems simple enough, right?

Time to hit the road. As a legitimate licensed driver, no less. Congratulations! Pardon the pun, there are two obstacles in the road ahead of you. The dreaded written exam, followed by the nerve-crushing driver’s test.


The first step: study—hard. Because the written test is equally so. No sweat, right? You’re up for the challenge, because it’s the only way to becoming a state-recognized, vehicle operator. Ready to “do this,” you have your study booklet placed before you—you crack it open, then suddenly you become overwhelmed by the task at hand. Yikes! Now, you’re silently questioning whether or not you’ve got what it takes to succeed. What now?!

Take a deep breath, and put your mind at ease because you’ve come to the right place. Believe it or not, there are several ways of making you a better test-taker. The following list is comprised of the ultimate ways to passing the DMV driver’s exams:

Written Exam

Dmv eye exam sample

It takes a certain level of commitment to study for an exam of any kind. A person needs to be motivated, with the will to achieve their goals. The reason being: daily life can often times get in the way. Everything surrounding you can serve as a distraction from studying, while the clock is steadily clicking away. Or maybe you’re like most people, and simply aren’t the studying type. You know, those who just want to do the bare minimum, in order to get a passing score. Whichever avenue your type takes to getting your license, we can help you get there.

Before your written test day, if you set aside some time and space at least once a day to do the following activities, you are 99.9% more likely pass your exams with flying colors:

Information Overload

Try not to force-feed yourself the information. Absorb the different lesson in sections, and do not proceed to the next area until you feel you have a complete understanding of what you’ve already learned. Test your knowledge using flash cards, or by asking someone to quiz you.

Cheat Sheet

Our primary function here at, is to provide you with the tools to help you successfully pass your tests. Check out our cheat sheet. With a 99% success rate, consider it as your ultimate guide to passing your DMV exam. Be sure to tell your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers about, the ultimate resource for all things associated with your DMV test.

Evolve into Your Best Self

It sounds corny, we know. But changing certain daily activities can make a person more receptive to learning, therefore making it possible to retain your lesson content. Here are very basic ways to improving your mental capacity thereby making you a better student:

Eating healthy – notice we’ve indicated eating “healthy,” and not “healthier.” Healthier implies making better eating choices than you are currently making. Eating healthy requires eating only foods that are good for you, therefore good for your mind and body. Transforming you into your best self.

Proper sleeping/rest – who doesn’t feel better following a proper rest period? A proper recharge, or lack thereof, can make or break you. It can sometimes be the determining factor of whether your day goes well or not.

Drink plenty of water – don’t judge us, it’s simple physics, people. Water flushes out toxins, and replenishes the body in a way that nothing else can. So you say your body is toxin-free? Really?? If you have consumed anything deep-fried, caffeinated, or pretty much breathed-in anything with chemicals, guess what? That’s right, your body is filled with toxins that are impeding you from being your best self. While we may not be able to completely rid our bodies of those elements, we can reduce the levels by flushing out impurities.

Tip #1: A good way to retain the lessons of the day, is to study before bed. It allows your brain time to process and think about what you’ve read, practically uninterrupted.

Study with a Partner or Group

They say, “a little encouragement, goes a long way.” Imagine a drill sergeant motivating budding soldiers. Such a situation can be the case in studying, whereas there is a lot to be learned and an individual needs a little extra push. As long as your study partner or group share the same desire to be effective, this can be beneficial to your learning process. If nothing else, there is another individual present to keep you on your toes, and focused on your goals.

Memory Association

We understand your best best way of learning something new can vary. Memory Association can be the answer for those who have trouble absorbing and retaining what they study. That is, associating something new, with something you are more likely to remember. For instance, if you want to remember a person’s name you associate it with something that maybe rhymes with their name, or describes them. (e.g. if their name is Rose, and they have a funny nose). Memory Association is a proven technique that gets favored results. Even if this isn’t your learning style, you should consider using this method for any areas you find troublesome.

Employ Common Sense

If all else fails, and you find yourself in a panic, you should rely on your common sense. Nothing like good old, logic and reason to get you through a test crisis. Hint: Remember, red usually signifies “stop,” “no,” or “don’t.” Green can mean, “go, temporary or limited,” and “yellow, signifies “caution,” or “slow down.”

Tip #2: While taking (or studying) the written exam, if you find yourself stuck, try envisioning yourself driving on the road to give yourself a visual reference.

Driver’s Test

How To Beat The Dmv Eye Exams

By this time, you should have at least spent some time in a safe, designated area as a student driver. You’ve come to understand the basic functionalities of a vehicle, and how to operate it.


However confident you may have gotten behind the wheel, it all tends to dissipate when you find yourself under the red ink and watchful eye of the test administrator. Whether you are starting out fresh with minimal to zero driving experience, or even if you’ve had a sufficient amount of street time, here are ways to beat-out your anxieties before, and while taking, your road test:

Empty Lot Practice

Dmv Eye Test Online

Dmv eye exam sample

We all started out this way. A parent, guardian, or an older relative of sorts took us to an empty parking lot, and dropped the keys into our innocent palms. The experience, as worthwhile and helpful as it is, can be thoroughly enhanced with the strategic placement of obstacles. Try adding cones, street lines and signs; anything to help simulate real-life traffic conditions.

Driving Video Games/Virtual Reality Experiences

Truthfully, there is no experience greater than hands-on, but video games can help with introducing prospective drivers to navigating traffic. Gaming and VR doesn’t just come with an old joystick anymore, how would like to use an actual steering wheel, gear shift, stick shift and pedals, completed with a third one for clutch? Video games and VR experiences have it all: pedestrians, oncoming traffic, weather conditions, in an endless number of environments and landscapes. Drive through metropolitan cities anywhere in the world, or battle your way through the ice caps of the frozen tundra. The experience can be as realistic, or unrealistic as you desire. Just remember that reality differs greatly from gaming, and that you should never attempt to re-enact any stunts from your digital experience. Always drive responsibly.

Test Day

In preparation for test, on the night before be sure to get in a good, solid cram session. Turn in early, to ensure that you are well-rested and ready to take on the next day.

Be courteous to the person administering the test. Meet them with a proper greeting, a smile and a handshake. Be confident in yourself, but not overly so. Humbly ask for any sound advice they are willing to offer, before starting the engine. Accept their criticism and advise with gratitude, and exit the scene just as you started; with a salutation, a smile and a handshake.

Avoid Automatic Failures

If you are careless, there are certain actions that can stop the test right in its track; things that could require the person conducting the test to instruct you to pull-over and turn off the engine, so that they may takeover. Undoubtedly, the most embarrassing way of failing the test. Next, are some of the well-known ways to get an automatic failure:

Losing control of the vehicle – coming into contact with anything, such as a curb or any type of fixture, qualifies as a loss of control and an automatic termination of the road test.

Excessive speeding – adhere to the speed limit, never go over.

Keep your focus on the road – if the safety of the person conducting the test becomes compromised, they will assume command of the vehicle in order to return back to the DMV testing facility safely. Turn off you cell phone, and focus entirely on panning and scanning your mirrors, and the environment. Anticipate the actions of other drivers and pedestrians, and drive defensively.

Pedestrians first – never cut off a pedestrian, whether they are jay-walking or not. No matter the circumstances, pedestrians always have the right-of-way, in every situation.

No other site on the web offers these bits of insight and wisdom on DMV test-taking. This article is designed to improve the individual, as well as their ability to achieve a passing score. We understand that in doing so, we needed to look at the bigger picture, in order to get big results. That said, we’ve done our part, now it’s time for you to do yours.

We take great pride in helping you become a licensed driver, and also in knowing we play a part in adding responsible drivers to the road; thereby creating a safer driving environment for all. Be sure to come back and visit us for the latest and greatest on all things DMV related.


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